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Executive Branch Organization Chart


The Constitution of Virginia provides for legislative, executive, and judicial branches. This chart indicates the organization of the executive branch, consisting of three statewide elected officials.

The Governor, who is the chief executive officer of the state, is responsible for overseeing the state bureaucracy, preparing the biennial state budget, overseeing the execution of state laws and policies, proposing legislation, appointing cabinet secretaries, the heads of various state agencies, and the members of policy-setting boards and commissions. The Governor can exercise the veto power. Governors serve a four-year term, but may not serve two consecutive terms.

The Lieutenant Governor's main duty is to preside over the Virginia Senate.

The Attorney General's main function is to be the lawyer for the state. He/she issues non-binding advisory opinions on legal issues and defends the state in legal matters.

The Governor's Secretaries are appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the General Assembly. Each Secretary holds office for a term coincident with that of the Governor.

What conclusions can be made about the executive branch of government in Virginia, after interpreting this chart?  How would one describe it's organization?  Using the Code of Virginia, what are the  duties of each organization in the executive branch? How do the actions taken by state government have direct impact on the everyday lives of Virginians?

Source: Commonwealth of Virginia, "Executive Branch Organizational Chart," Official Web Site of the Commonwealth of Virginia (accessed September 2, 2009).

How to Cite This Source
Commonwealth of Virginia, "Executive Branch Organization Chart," in Virginia Civics, Item #612, (accessed February 26, 2022).
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